Dry Needling for TMJ and Cervical Spine

Part 1 Online

Duration: 8H Total On-Line Contact Time

2h Pre-course reading: 5 articles to read followed by a 10 question online quiz

24min – The History of Trigger Point Theories – Emergence of Dry Needling

31min – Neurophysiology of Nociogenic Pain – Superficial Needling

50min – Neurophysiology and the MTrP – Why it matters to Dry Needling

46min – Ethics of Dry Needling – Safety, Contraindications and Precautions

12min – Obtaining Consent

17min – A Dry Needling Approach for Radiculopathy in the Cervical Spine

20min –  Tensegrity: The effect of MTrP’s on Tensegrity

15min – 4 Nutritional Deficiencies as Perpetuating Factors in Myofascial Pain

40min – Temporomandibular Dysfunction

95min – Assessments: each Video Module is followed by 6 Assessment questions, participants are credited a total of 95:00 minutes of contact time for the completion of all assessments. The last assessment is followed by a Course Evaluation Survey.

Part 2 Practical

It is Mandatory for course participants to complete the on-line portion of this course PRIOR to the in-class portion. Completion of the online portion and live portion of this course = 27.0 CEUs

Day 1 – 09h30 Total Contact Time

Time Description
7:30-8:00 Registration with Snacks
8:00-10:00 Consent, Needling Technique, SDN including fascia and scars; Demo & Practical
10:00-11:00 Cervical spine Needling: cervical traps, splenii, semispinalis, occipitals Anatomy, Lecture & Demo
11:00-12:00 Cervical Spine Needling Practical
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-13:30 Upper trapezius, rhomboids, & levator scapulae Anatomy, Lecture & Demo
13:30-14:30 Upper trapezius, rhomboids, & levator scapulae Practical
14:30-15:30 Upper trapezius, rhomboids, & levator scapulae Anatomy, Lecture & Demo
15:30-16:00 Shoulder Part 1 Practical
16:00-17:00 Shoulder Part 2 lats,subscap, terres major & minor supine & prone Demo and Practical
17:00-18:00 Review and Practical Exams Part 1 Review of Day and Practical

Day 2 – 09h30 Total Contact Time

Time Description
8:00-9:00 TMJ Lecture and Anatomy Lecture
9:00-11:00 TMJ masseter, temporalis, lat/med pterygoids, sternocleidomastoid, scalenes Demo & Practical
11:00-12:30 Thorax: Iliocostalis thoracus, mid and lower traps, Serratus post-Sup Demo & Practical
12:30-13:00  Lunch  
13:00-14:00 Pectorals, Deltoids, Serratus Anterior Anatomy, Lecture & Demo
14:00-15:00 Pectorals, Deltoids, Serratus Anterior Practical
15:00-16:00 Facial Needling for headache Demo & Practical
16:00-16:30 Case Studies Radiculopathy; TMJ, Cervicogenic Dizziness Case Studies
16:30-18:00 Clinical Examinations Practical Exams Part 2